North Node For Children


Give your children the higher vibration of their North Node so they can recognize what their destiny craves.


The North Node pulls at the soul, craving more of the sign’s energy experience. The South Node is what one is used to experiencing. Though many people will say to pull away from your South Node, this will never occur. The South Node has talents and experiences that will help balance the North Node energy. For example, a person with the South Node in Libra is very accustomed to appeasing others, sharing everything, and being pleasant and non-confrontational.



It becomes a safety net because they are so good at their South Node. It is familiar territory. Learning how to apply their North Node in Aries is unfamiliar territory, but they cannot help but wonder what it feels like to say no, fight for themselves, and do it alone. Every attempt is like riding a bike for the first time. It’s shaky and uncomfortable and makes one feel bad for pulling away from their comfort zone.
Being more of your North Node is like a switcheroo for the people around you. They become so accustomed to your South Node attachments that seeing you act in your North Node is even uncomfortable for them. It is essential to realize that perhaps the South Node is for everyone else and their comfort, and the North Node is for you and everyone’s benefit. As the saying goes, “Give people what they need and not what they want.”

It becomes a safety net because they are so good at their South Node. It is familiar territory. Learning how to apply their North Node in Aries is unfamiliar territory, but they cannot help but wonder what it feels like to say no, fight for themselves, and do it alone. Every attempt is like riding a bike for the first time. It’s shaky and uncomfortable and makes one feel bad for pulling away from their comfort zone.
Being more of your North Node is like a switcheroo for the people around you. They become so accustomed to your South Node attachments that seeing you act in your North Node is even uncomfortable for them. It is essential to realize that perhaps the South Node is for everyone else and their comfort, and the North Node is for you and everyone’s benefit. As the saying goes, “Give people what they need and not what they want.”
We can help to ease this journey for our children by nurturing their North Node destinies at an early age. Even though they will (and must) experience backtracking to their comfort zones, we can teach them to recognize what they crave and how it feels to act in the North Node capacity. When the time comes for them to take the reins of their path, they will are equipped with the knowledge to succeed.
As always, aspects from other planets, sign rulership, and house positions will color their journey differently. Use these examples to give you an idea and apply the additional points to provide more details. For example, a child with the North Node in Taurus and Venus in the 12th house may need to figure out boundary practices on their own or with the help of spiritual guidance.

North Node in Aries:

  1. Allow your child to express their leadership.
  2. Teach them to be assertive instead of aggressive.
  3. Show them what appropriate selfishness looks like, that it is okay to think of themselves without feeling like they are attacking others.

These children are used to being cordial and appeasing but can forget themselves in the process, leading to being taken advantage of and not speaking up for themselves. Find outlets for their frustration through exercise, sports, competitions, and meditative practices.

North Node in Taurus:

  1. Teach your child good morals and values and how to set boundaries.
  2. Allow them to develop their boundaries and respect their privacy.
  3. Get into the habit of asking your child for permission.

Economic and financial education is a must, and learning to value themselves and respect the sacredness of their sexuality. Your child will be accustomed to pushing the limits and taking on more trauma than they need to experience. Starting entirely over is a common habit when they’ve reached an unknown threshold of their psychological limitations. Instructing them on how to say “NO!” before arriving at these points is critical for their development.

North Node in Gemini:

  1. Teach Them To listen.
  2. Help them create a daily journal.
  3. Talk to them often.

 Your child needs to learn to listen more, but it starts with being heard. Take the time to allow your child to speak. Please pay attention to the details and acknowledge their mental pursuits. Teach them to gather all the information before leaping. Jumping to conclusions is a common habit of these children. Taking a moment to breathe before responding is a healthy and valuable practice. It will give them a moment to think and ensure they understand what’s spoken or what they are reading before replying, which will help them not feel overwhelmed. Plenty of reading, communication, and mental exercises will help.

North Node in Cancer:

  1. Teach them empathy.
  2. Be receptive to the nurturing moments.
  3. Respond to their meanness with kindness.

Teach them empathy. Be receptive to the nurturing moments. Respond to their meanness with kindness. These children tend to be used to harshness. They are firm and appear to be mean. The harsher their reality, the meaner they get and lose the ability to express empathy. Teach them kindness by reacting to the hardness with compassion. Remind them to be gentle and allow them to cry on your shoulders when they need to. Allowing them to be nurturing without rejection will help.

North Node in Leo:

  1. Give your children plenty of attention
  2. Pursue creative endeavors
  3. Teach them composure and leadership skills

Your child craves attention and autonomy. These children are friendly, and a part of the group but will eventually not know how to stand out and shine in their own right. Nurturing their creative pursuits and acknowledging their performances will give them confidence. Teaching them how to compose themselves and the difference between healthy and unhealthy attention-seeking will balance the sometimes erratic behaviors and detachment.

North Node in Virgo:

  1. Give them positive reinforcement.
  2. Avoid harshly criticizing their dreams.
  3. Create a daily routine to follow

These children are pretty imaginative and tend to go with the flow. They find safety and comfort in solitude and daydreaming. To make the best of their journey, they will need to learn to pay close attention to details. Establishing a routine and health regime will get them to pay attention to themselves, hopefully transferring to other aspects of life. Also, learning how to critique without being overly critical will dissuade them from avoiding constructive criticism. Giving them positive reinforcement while instructing them on improvement may help keep them from experiencing isolation from others when faced with judgment.

North Node in Libra:

  1. Teach them the value of diplomacy
  2. Be polite
  3. Teach them appropriate sharing and relationship building skills

Unlike North Node in Aries children, these children have independent thinking down pact. They understand what it’s like to think of themselves and go at it alone. The issue arises when your child begins to crave working with and being around others but is uncertain how to conduct oneself with others in mind. These feelings can lead to selfishness and frustration. Teaching them how to share with others appropriately and creating and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships is vital in helping them walk in their North Node path. Because of their natural tendency to be leaders, allowing them to lead others with the mantra “Your team is only as good as its leader” can establish the importance of relationships and teamwork.

North Node in Scorpio:

  1. Teach them the value of letting go.
  2. Do not invalidate their feelings of loss, but rather find the good in the transformation.
  3. Teach them to value themselves and not possessions.

Your child may be accustomed to being comfortable at all costs. They hold on tightly to what makes them feel good. Unmet desires will result in bouts of melancholy and resentment. Starting over is no easy feat for North Nodes in Scorpio children. The issue is they expect to always remain in possession of what they value- whether it’s toys, clothes, electronics, or the like. The concept of losing anything is not something they concern themselves with it, and when it occurs, they will become stubborn in their pursuit to keep it or regain whatever it was that was lost. Your child needs to understand that loss is not a bad thing and can make way for something new and better to come from it. Teaching them to replace lost items with new activities can get them in the habit of loosening up and seeing transformation as a benefit to their evolution.

North Node in Sagittarius:

  1. Take them on trips to experience the world. (i.e. an aquarium or family outing)
  2. Ask them about what they’ve learned,with enthusiasm.
  3. Teach them to take healthy risks.

These children crave exploration but may feel safer in the confines of their intellect. These are the readers and communicators that will eventually want to see the world outside of books. They need assistance in seeing the bigger picture and use what they have learned out in the world. So consumed with building an extensive range of knowledge, they eventually burst at the seams, figuring out how to share it all and sifting through what’s important. As they grow, your child may find that they don’t feel worthy of sharing what knowledge they have acquired because their interests tend to be widely eclectic. Helping them to focus their interests and taking them out to explore what they’ve learned in real time can give them the confidence they need to experience the joys life has to offer.

North Node in Capricorn:

  1. Teach them to create emotional boundaries.
  2. Allow them to fail. Support but do not pamper them.
  3. Teach them self discipline.

Your child is used to being empathic. These children live a life of taking on the emotions of the world. They are nurturing and caring and naturally tend to react emotionally to almost everything. Even when they are young, people tend to rely upon and expect these children to be caring, but when they become firm or “mean,” it is not accepted. These are your classic “sweethearts” and “nice guys.” Though it is very similar to those with the North Node in Taurus, it differs because your child will have boundaries but will result in extreme harshness to keep them. Taking their “niceness” for weakness usually results in this response. Take the time to teach your child to be nurturing when necessary and respect their need to support themselves. Doing so will help them to establish emotional boundaries.

North node in Aquarius:

  1. Nurture their humanity for others
  2. Teach them the value of friendships
  3. Let them know they are loved with or without the group

These children are used to being the center of attention. For ill or good, the spotlight has always been on them. To perform, for their creative endeavors, and for their ability to shine, people have no hard time seeing your child. As they get older, they may find difficulty maintaining this air of popularity when the rest of the world doesn’t treat them as unique as their upbringing led them to believe. They eventually have to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them and that there are many benefits to belonging to the group, like being the lead singer of a band, for example. Placing your child in many experiences that involve group activities and teaching them that their light helps the whole team shine may ease the tension of feeling as if they are losing autonomy.

North node in Pisces:

  • Teach them the value of sympathy
  • Help them learn how to relax and meditate
  • Teach them the value of spirituality for self-care.

Your child never misses a beat. These children are highly analytical and tend to notice every minute detail. They tend to fall on a scale of being extraordinarily organized or appearing to be very messy but knowing where everything is. They have a fantastic ability for details and often worry about perfection. Teach your child to relax once in a while, to let go, and just “be” for a moment. These children may have experienced being overworked or facing a lot of responsibilities. Frequent “spa days” (you don’t have to go to the spa literally)- plan days that allow them to explore their imaginations and teach meditative skills that will help lessen the anxiety that tends to plague these young ones. Nothing helps better than a day of a free-spirited dancing void of judgment.

<strong>North Node For Children</strong>
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